For Writers

To participate in Spoken Nuggets, writers must create a narrative piece - either fictional or based on a true life story - in a flash fiction or flash memoir format. Each Nugget should be no more than four-minutes in length when performed - that should be roughly 750 words. The Nugget can be amusing, heart-warming, bizarre, or tragic. We just ask that it not be political in nature. Also, we ask our participants to refrain from rants, hate speech or sermons. And no pornography - every Spoken Nuggets meeting will be all-ages.

Once you have performed your Nugget at an event, stay and enjoy all the other participants. Spoken word requires community to succeed! The next theme will be announced at the conclusion of each event.

Storyteller order will be determined at the event by random draws from the Spoken Nuggets hat.

The spoken word was the first technology by which man was able to let go of his environment in order to grasp it in a new way.
- Marshall McLuhan

For Poets

Each solo poem must be of the poet’s own creation. Memorization is not required or necessary - the poet may choose to bring a sheet of paper, tablet, or phone to stage from which to read. Poems should be no more than four-minutes in length when performed. The poet may not use props, costumes, pre-recorded/taped music, or musical instruments while performing. It’s just you and your poem on stage. BUT, per Poetry Slam rules, you are allowed to sing or beat box or make any other sounds with your body in your performance.

We ask that your poem NOT include rants, hate speech or sermons. Basically, use common sense and leave your hate at the gate. However anger, upset and frustration are totally legit emotions to express in your poem, just be creative in how you go about doing it. Oh yeah, and no pornography - every Spoken Nuggets meeting will be all-ages.

Once you have performed your Nugget at an event, sit back and relax. There's plenty more performers that want to take the stage.

Poet order will be determined at the event by random draws from the Spoken Nuggets hat.

No poet will ever take the written word as a substitute for the spoken word; he knows that it is on the spoken word, and the spoken word only, that his art is founded. - Lascelles Abercrombie

For Artists

To participate in the Visual Nuggets Flash Gallery, artist can submit an original new or archival piece that conforms to the events theme. Art can be uploaded here within three weeks of the next event. Please make sure to include the title of the piece and your name, so we can credit you in the gallery. Please refrains from blantantly sexual, violent, or hateful imagery - every Visual Nuggest flash gallery event should be considered all-ages..

The Gallery will open on the website, and on digital screens at the event, at the designated event start time. Images will scroll on the site until the conclusion of the event, at which time the Visual Nuggets gallery will close. Participating artists will be credited on the site after the event has taken place. You do not have to attend to be included in the Visual Nuggets portion of the event, but we strongly you come - your creative community wants to congratulate your on your latest work!



Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up. - Pablo Picasso

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